Pedagogical director of Mater Christi will travel in a project Worldwide

Max Franco, who is also a literature teacher at the institution, will travel from the
5th to the 12th of September.

by Ana Oliveira

The professor will be one of the leaders of the group Educadores pelo Mundo, which carries out missions to learn about successful educational systems and experiences in different parts of the planet. This time, the project will have 25 members who will visit Finland and Estonia, world references in education field.

The pedagogical director revealed that his main intention is not only to deepen pedagogical experiences, but also to add experiences to the school that he defines as “a model of innovative and successful education”.

Mater Christi is deeply pleased and proud to have employees who are engaged and concerned with seeking renewal and wisdom to improve their work and transmit even more knowledge to our students. In this way, the school reinforces the idea of ​​preserving professionals who are a source of inspiration within the institution.

Revised by Laíse Lira and Hernandez Luiz*

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