Olympic Village

Olympic Village

Mater Christi is a space where knowledge is also rewarded. The school has the Olympics project “Olympic Village” which involves students from Elementary Schools I and II and High School, where students are offered a total of 24 Olympics and academic activities, with preparation that can develop skills related to different areas of knowledge.

The preparation for the Olympics within the Vila Olímpica project of Colégio Mater Christi takes place through studies related to the knowledge Olympics.

Thus, students, in addition to intensifying the learning acquired from the subjects in the classroom, deepen knowledge that allows them to compete at a high level with students from various educational institutions in the country.

Colégio Mater Christi has encouraged teams to compete as a way of preparing for the future as well, since it is known that most of those students who qualify in Olympic knowledge competitions are students who achieve success in college entrance exams and other school exams. Therefore, also encourage the participation of children/students in the knowledge Olympics.

Discover the Olympics that Mater Christi School has encouraged to participate in its Vila Olímpica project:

News about the Olympic Village: