Know Our History

the beginning

Our story started on September 25, 1989, when our school was founded. The dream of a mother, educator and visionary has come true.

Maria Auxiliadora wanted to create a school environment that was innovative and ahead of her time, aiming to offer quality education to her son, Ciro Azevedo. Her daring proposal for that time, contemplated the students as integral individuals, in order to be worked to develop their intellect in harmony with the desire and the manifestation of their emotions.

Since then, more than thirty years have passed and Mater Christi has grown with the collective work of everyone who is part of this infinite journey.

Our school has always tried to anticipate the changes that the future would bring us and it was born in that future, when it adopted constructivism as the focus of its work.

We wanted a pedagogical environment that privileged the students, offering instruments for their self-preparation, for the present and future life, with regard to values ​​and knowledge, assuring them the joy and pleasure of the moments they live in those long years of schooling .

But at Mater Christi nothing was born of chance. Everything is excessively thought out, analyzed, tested, evaluated and restructured for the best.

The entire educational experience of the school is based on numerous studies. And so, we continue to build and rebuild, both physical and pedagogical, in the endless search to offer a school, a center of reference and excellence in education, committed to the construction of knowledge and ethical values, in search of responsible citizenship.